Refund Policy

The technical analysis of the request will be made within up to 7 (seven) working days. Once the return of the product is authorized, the consumer must return the goods within 03 (three) business days, counting from the approval of the cancellation of the purchase, accompanied by all the other products contained in the order, and the DANFE (Electronic Invoice). To do this, the consumer must send the product by mail to the address we will indicate, and then forward us the proof of tracking the goods.

Upon receipt of the product returned to the Canan Network, a technical analysis will be carried out to certify the state in which the product is found. If the analysis proves the good condition of the product, and with it the respective invoice is found, the consumer will be able to opt for a refund or exchange of the product. If he opts for reimbursement, Rede Canan will arrange for the refund of the amounts paid, observing the terms indicated in clause 07 of this policy.

But, if the exercise of the right to repentance is not approved, due to any malfunction that is identified, or for another reasonable reason, the cancellation of the purchase will remain impaired, and the product will be sent back to the consumer's address, without refund of the amounts paid ( in this case, subject to the charge of reposting expenses).

If you have any questions, please contact us at .